Quotes #4

Winners are not people who never fail, but people who never quit. Never, never, never, never give up.-Winston Churchill Just remember, you can do anything you set your mind to,…

Quotes #3

Don’t limit your challenges. Challenge your limits. You are beautiful. Never forget that. In a world of 7.1 billion people, there is only one you. Take care of you because…

Devo – Purpose

Whether people tell you that you do or don’t, you have purpose.          My mom once told me: “You were created ON purpose, FOR a purpose, and WITH a purpose.” I’ve…

Devo – Fear

Last year, Jace, Joy, me, and some of our neighbor friends started the: Sherman Parc Circle Kidz’ Church (I know, it’s kinda long)! Sometimes parents came, sometimes even grandparents came! …