One year ago, today, on April 21st, 2021, I posted my first blog post.

This post here is my 52nd (yay! Confetti explosion!).

I wanted to thank all of you so much for reading these posts. If it weren’t for you all, I most likely wouldn’t be posting. So thank you.

I’m sure some of you have already done this, but I encourage you to share my blog with your friends (or really whoever)! The more people we have learning and coming closer to God, the better. Plus, you like my blog, don’t you? (I mean, why would you be on here right now if you didn’t enjoy reading the stuff I post?) So who’s to say your friends won’t like it, too?

Since I’m here, I’ll give you a short little life update:

Skywalker got his cast off (I’m positive he’ll be on here soon to tell you about it)!

Come May, softball/baseball season will be in full swing (you knock on our door and we’re not home, check the ball fields)!

Zoe says hi, and says you should come over to give her some belly rubs.

Two final things before I go:

Comment: Should I start sharing some yummy recipes with you all? (I’m not a big fan of cooking, but there are a few drink recipes I want to share!)

Comment: Should I share more website recommendations? So far I’ve only shared 4Ocean, and there’s a whole lot more!


  1. Judith Mahlstedt

    Yes, I would love to get some of your drink recipes! Also a “yes” on the websites.

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